Domestic violence is being recognised as a major concern for children today. Witnessing physical as well as psychological–emotional violence within the family can cause serious detrimental effects to children.
It is imperative that these child witnesses receive interventions that are developmentally appropriate and meet their unique needs. Play therapy has been proven to be a statistically effective means of treating externalising and internalising problems in children.
Hall, J. G. (2019). Child-centered play therapy as a means of healing children exposed to domestic violence. International Journal of Play Therapy, 28(2), 98–106.
More info:
If you are in immediate danger dial 999 Call the National Domestic Abuse Helpline (Freephone 24/7) 0808 2000 247 Call the Men's Advice line 0808 801 0327 Download the free BRIGHT SKY app to find your local specialist domestic abuse service