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What is a BAPT Registered Play Therapist?

( British Association of Play Therapists registration body)

- preferably holds a first degree or profession in psychology; social work; teaching; health or education or associated discipline, and previous extensive experience of working with children and young people; and completes a further 3yr post graduate clinical training and degree - the Msc in Play Therapy which includes practice placements; extensive observation sessions of the infant and older child; as well as University teaching sessions and continuous assessment.


An important part of training as a mental health professional means that the BAPT trainee or student play therapist is required to receive 60 sessions of personal therapy themselves over the 3yrs prior to qualification.


This is to ensure that the professional play therapist who works closely with a child knows how to separate what is theirs and what is the client's when they are in a therapy session in a therapy room. This is essential as all of our work as play therapists is trauma work and therefore we have to work through our own trauma and recognise that the contents of our own lives should not be shared/ not appropriate to share with the client and to recognise how we could be triggered or re traumatised ourselves when listening to difficult material or issues that we may have experienced in our own lives.

All Play Therapists are required to receive regular clinical supervision and this ensures that the young client receives the best and appropriate service from the qualified professional in the room who is bound by an ethical basis and guideline that ensures confidence for the public in the intervention being utilised.

At Mind Mosaic Child and Family Therapies we are proud to employ BAPT and PTUK Play Therapists as well as 2 Approved BAPT Supervisors who also deliver clinical supervision to other therapists across Scotland.

We currently have a 1st year student from WithKids Glasgow/ Queen Margaret University on placement and receiving practice placement education at our base in Ladyburn Business Centre.

For further information or enquiries contact us on 01475339019 or e mail

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