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When children work through psychological issues or challenging life circumstances in the therapy room in the early sessions their play is often messy and chaotic as they "spill out" the most difficult feelings.

Parents often feel helpless and vulnerable when trying to make sense of their child's distress and unsure how best to respond.

This can be even more difficult when a parent's own mental health and wellbeing are affected by depression, overwhelm, work and life stresses, poor physical health or even suicidal thoughts.

At Mind Mosaic Child and Family Therapies we work with the whole family constellation - early intervention- with the child or teen in therapy; the parents can access intensive family support work to help them understand the child's feelings and behaviour and learn new coping strategies and the 3rd layer of support is where we provide counselling to the parent or carer where required and assessed as appropriate.

This 3 pronged layer of support around the family help prevent the child become the adult mental health client of the future who accesses mental health, social work or criminal justice systems, and parents feel better equipped to cope and enjoy life, better mental health and wellbeing for themselves.

For further info or to make an initial check in appointment for a chat with a qualified mental health professional therapist or counsellor call 01475 339019 or email:

Mind Mosaic Child and Family Therapies are supported by

The National Lottery Community Fund- Improving Lives

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