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Children in mental health crisis spent more than 900,000 hours in A&E in England.

Children suffering mental health crises spent more than 900,000 hours in A&E in England last year seeking urgent and potentially life-saving help, NHS figures reveal.

Experts said the huge amount of time under-18s with mental health issues were spending in A&E was "simply astounding" and showed that NHS services for that vulnerable age group were inadequate.

Children as young as three and four years old are among those ending up in emergency departments because of mental health problems.

A very sad read. The fear that children with mental illness are left to deteriorate and reach crisis point is very real. The importance and value of Play Therapy is so vital, being able to support and help these children before a crisis point is reached is imperative.

We want to raise awareness of Play Therapy so more children are able to access this amazing therapy to help and support them and their families.

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