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Mental health issues and difficult life situations for children, teenagers and parents don't stop for the school holidays and neither do we.

Psychological issues and challenging life circumstances don't just disappear or require little to no attention between June and August.

Mind Mosaic Child and Family Therapies continue to work Mon-Fri in full caseloads( and weekends fundraising) seeing children and parents in individual and also group sessions.

To offer summer support we are providing Superhero Groups; Comic Book Clubs; and Summer Activities Sessions for Inverclyde children and parents.

Mind Mosaic Child and Family Therapies are a small local children's mental health charity who do not receive statutory funding and depend on grant funding, fundraising and donations from the public.

For further info re support for your child or teenager age 0-18yrs or as a parent call us on 01475 339019 or e mail to have a chat with a qualified mental health professional

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